BISE Issues Important Instructions For Matric Exams 2023

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BISE Issues Important Instructions For Matric Exams 2023

Punjab Boards Matric Examinations The Board issues important instructions. Candidates taking the annual exams for the 9th and 10th grades in 2023 must carefully read the guidelines and stick to them. If the guidelines are not followed, your paper may be canceled, and you may even receive a UMC. Hence, it is essential that everyone carefully reads and follows the instructions.

For the reason of handing out a daily paper, each candidate must have his original roll number slip with him. The candidate must sign his or her name in the space designated on the roll number, and this signature must be included on the answer sheet. There should be no writing or signs on the roll number.

In any case, the candidate will be in the morning edition at 8:00 am, the evening paper at 1:00 pm, and 2:00 pm on Friday. Before the paper begins, there will be thorough checking, recitation, and naat.

Candidates are urged not to bring any written materials, whether they are pertinent or not. If any materials are discovered during the search or if a candidate is discovered to have cheated in any way, UMC will be lodged against him. After having two current passport-size photos attested by any headmaster or headmistress, bring them to the test center. Provide one to the center superintendent, and bring one with you per day.

During the exams, extra sheets won’t be provided.

24 pages of answer copy must be written carefully; no additional paper will be given. No pages should be blank. After finishing the paper, cross the blank pages without adding any extra paper. After you get the answer copy, check it out right away. No later justifications will be accepted if an answer copy is torn; it must not be used and must be returned.

In the answer copy, relevant bubbles for each of the objective questions’ answers must be filled in within the specified time. Otherwise, the unfilled bubbles will be cut. Remember to include objective code on both sides of the response copy as well. The candidate should get in touch with the Board and have the roll number slip corrected if there is any error in the subject, testing location, photo, practical, etc., failing which the candidate will be personally responsible.

Each candidate must save a copy of their roll number slip and keep track of the dates of their practical exams.

Remover and fluid use is not allowed

In the examination room, candidates are restricted to using just their pen, scale, ink, blue marker, etc. They are not permitted to borrow items from another applicant. Also, avoid using ink remover, fluid, etc. to avoid disciplinary action.

The candidate is only allowed to state the paper at his session at the center that has been assigned to him on the planned day; otherwise, the paper will be canceled and the rules will be followed. The candidate will only be allowed to appear in the following yearly test if a paper is missed during any session.

Calculators may be used during exams.

If the calculator does not contain any device that would illegally help the exam, it may be taken into the exam (but just for the appropriate topics). The possible answers to each question in the objective phase of the exam are A, B, C, and D. On the answer portion of the answer copy, fill in the corresponding circle with the effective reaction to each question from the provided circles.

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