10,000 E-Rozgar Centres to be set up for freelancers

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10,000 E-Rozgar Centres to be set up for freelancers

Caretaker Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, Dr. Umar Saif, announced on Wednesday that the government is set to launch a project on January 11 to establish 10,000 e-Rozgar Centres across the country.

These centers will be equipped with modern facilities to support freelancers and startups.

Dr. Saif highlighted the significance of this historic initiative, addressing the challenges faced by approximately 1.5 million freelancers who lack suitable workspaces.

The aim is to provide freelancers with the necessary tools and environment to thrive in the digital landscape.

The establishment of joint e-Rozgar Centres is expected to encourage investment in Pakistan and generate new employment opportunities.

 Dr. Saif encouraged the youth to embrace entrepreneurship, emphasizing the potential for higher monthly earnings through e-Rozgar.

In addition, starting on January 7, another project will be launched to introduce a standardized test for IT graduates through the Higher Education Commission.

 This test aims to assess their skills and facilitate internships for successful candidates. Dr. Saif mentioned that only 3,000 out of the 75,000 IT graduates produced by Pakistani universities each year are currently eligible for employment in IT companies.

The minister stated that the recent permission by the State Bank of Pakistan for IT companies to retain 50% of their receipts in dollar accounts would likely result in a significant increase in IT exports, possibly reaching $4 billion.

 The government’s focus is on empowering the youth with information technology skills and creating employment opportunities through various initiatives in the IT and telecom sectors.

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