Solar Panel Cost Increase Once Again

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Solar Panel Cost Increase Once Again

The cost of solar panels in Lahore has once again increased, with prices for systems ranging from 7 to 15 kilowatts rising significantly.

The price surge includes an increase of Rs6 per watt in the market. For instance, a 7-kilowatt system now costs Rs850,000, up by Rs25,000, while a 10-kilowatt system has risen to Rs1.2 million from Rs1.15 million.

Similarly, a 12-kilowatt system is now priced at Rs1.45 million, up by 50,000, and a 15-kilowatt system is set at Rs1.6 million.

Previously, solar panel prices had dropped notably in Lahore due to extensive production by Chinese and other manufacturers during the post-COVID period.

The global focus on renewable energy increased production, making solar panels more accessible and affordable.

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