Google Trends: How to Use It for SEO and Content Marketing

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Google Trends: How to Use It for SEO and Content Marketing

When conducting keyword research, Google Trends is a surprisingly helpful tool, especially when using the practically invisible advanced search features. Explore the many Google Trends menus and options to find what seems to be an infinite number of methods to learn more about term search volume.

One of Google’s most crucial SEO tools can be made more powerful by learning new tricks.

The Importance Of Google Trends

Despite being accurate, Google Trends does not display the volume of traffic in numerical form. On a scale from 0 to 100, it displays the relative percentages of the total number of searches made.

Paid SEO tools provide traffic volume figures for keywords, unlike Google Trends.

However, those figures are merely extrapolations based on a variety of sources, including scraped search results, Google Keyword Planner, and internet traffic data providers. The clickstream information is often derived from anonymized traffic information collected from users of specific pop-up blockers, browser plugins, and some free antivirus programs.

Then, the SEO tools perform a computation based on their best estimation of how this information relates to Google keyword search and visitor volume.

So, even though professional SEO tools estimate keyword traffic, Google Trends’ data is based on actual search requests rather than educated guesses.

This is not to argue that paid keyword tools are superior to Google Trends. One can acquire a close approximation of the genuine keyword search volume when utilized in conjunction with paid keyword tools.

How to Use Google Trends for SEO

1. Analyze keywords to obtain more accurate data

On a scale from 0 to 100, Google Trends presents a relative representation of traffic.

The graph is on a relative scale of zero to one hundred, so you can’t tell if the trend is reflecting hundreds or thousands of keyword searches. However, when they are contrasted with keywords for which there are known traffic volumes from another keyword phrase, the relative statistics can have more significance.

One way to do this is to compare the volume of keyword searches with a term for which accurate traffic statistics, such as those from a PPC campaign, are already known.

A comparison keyword doesn’t need to be linked. It may be from an entirely unrelated industry or even be the name of a popular personality.

Google has a page called Google Trends Daily Trends that displays popular search terms. The fact that Google gives keyword volumes in figures on this page, such as “100,000+ searches each day,” etc., is helpful.

2. Trends in the Short Term Can Drive A Lot Of Traffic

The brief view of keyword trends, such as the 90-day or even 30-day view, might provide insightful information for capitalizing on the quickly shifting search trends. Both Google News and Google Discover receive a ton of traffic.

Google Discover links to popular search-related subjects. For the most recent information on events, see Google News.

Knowing the current short-term trends is advantageous for websites that aim for either of those traffic sources.

Viewing 30-day and 90-day trends has the advantage of highlighting particular days of the week when those searches are most prevalent.

3. Keywords By Category

The ability to filter keyword search query results by category subjects is provided by Google Trends. This offers more precise keyword information. Because it helps you focus your keyword research on the appropriate context, the Categories tab is crucial.

If the keyword context is “automobiles,” it makes sense to suitably filter Google Trends so that it only displays information relevant to the auto context.

You can obtain more precise information about the subjects you are exploring for content within the appropriate context by focusing the Google Trends data by category.

4. Determine Keyword Information By Geography

To choose the best geographic locations to target for site marketing or to adapt the material to particular regions, Google Trends keyword information by geographic location can be employed. For example, it makes sense to target promotional activities and regional material to Washington, D.C., and Texas if specific product types are well-liked in those cities.

In fact, given that interest is stronger there, it could be beneficial to concentrate link-building advertising operations there initially.

Information on keyword popularity by area is useful for pay-per-click advertising, content generation, link building, and content promotion.

It is possible to increase the relevance of material for those who are interested in it by localizing and promoting it (or the product). Incorporating geographic information into your content can help it rank for the most people because Google orders pages according to who is most relevant to them.

5. Target Search Intents Using Different Search Types

By segmenting the keyword data according to the type of search from which it was derived, the Search Type, Google Trends allows you to further filter the keyword data. By focusing your Google Trends study according to the type of search, you may help it become more accurate and useful by removing any “noise” that might be clouding your keyword research.

Data from Google Trends can be refined using:

  • Google Shopping
  • news search
  • image search
  • web search
  • Search on YouTube

Because so many people use sentences with the word “how” in them when searching on YouTube, it’s a great method to see patterns in searches for material with that word.

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