CM of Balochistan declares budget session boycott

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CM of Balochistan declares budget session boycott

Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, the Chief Minister of Balochistan and the leader of the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), said on Thursday that he would abstain from Friday’s federal budget session.

In a statement, Bizenjo stated that the Balochistan Awami Party would not participate in the federal budget session, nor would any of the party’s National Assembly or Senate members.

He warned that members of the BAP’s National Assembly and Senate had been given very clear orders not to attend the meeting, and he added that those who do so will face severe disciplinary action.

The chief minister claimed that the federal government‘s disregard for Balochistan was the cause of the budget session boycott. He added that the boycott of the NEC meeting was also brought on by the Center’s attitude.

“Balochistan is having serious financial issues. The main cause of these problems is a lack of cooperation. The chief minister said, “We don’t have any personal grudges towards the federal administration; our disagreement is one of principles.

According to Bizenjo, despite their cries and warnings, fundamental rights are not being upheld. “The federal government gives guarantees and pledges but does not follow through. We are not making any illegitimate demands; rather, our requests are founded on constitutional justifications, he claimed.

He claimed that because the money is not being allocated to the Balochistan projects mentioned in the federal PSDP, they are not complete.

“These initiatives are receiving only around half of the funding that was allotted to them. The chief minister stated that although the bids for federal projects in Balochistan have been released, the funding has been moved elsewhere.

He claimed that despite severe damage to Balochistan’s major roadways from the floods of the previous year, the major Highway Authority did little to restore them. The chief minister complained, “Travelling on these highways feels like going back to the Stone Age.

The Chief Minister’s Secretariat was the site of the prime minister’s laying of the highway’s foundation stone a year ago. He stated that this project would be finished in 18 months. Bizenjo lamented that even 20% of the project was still unfinished.

He expressed dissatisfaction that Balochistan’s part of the NFC Award was delayed and lowered. The chief revealed, “The prime minister did not provide the promised ten billion rupees during the floods.”

He claimed that Balochistan lost out on resources as a result of the incomplete 1998 census, which was a result of the dire circumstances.

CM Bizenjo insisted, “We demand the immediate implementation of a new NFC Award that complies with the constitutional requirements.”

The federal government was urged by the chief minister to take the requests and the position of his party seriously. CM Bizenjo said that if the issue is not resolved, the federation could suffer as a result of the growing divide among the provinces.

“Balochistan will not consent to any limitations on its rights. According to Bizenjo, we are steadfast in our rightful constitutional position.

He claimed that the only initiatives to address the development and neglect in Balochistan have been the debates held in Islamabad. He highlighted that “practical steps are needed here since the ground realities in Balochistan are completely different.

CM Bizenjo urged provincial and national leaders to take a stronger position, including Asif Ali Zardari, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, and Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal.

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