How to properly perform CPR?

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How to properly perform CPR?

The act of performing CPR is crucial because it can increase a person’s chances of surviving a cardiac arrest by a factor of two or three. It keeps the blood flow flowing and prolongs the opportunity for a successful resuscitation once trained medical experts arrive on site.

A cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating suddenly and there is a sudden loss of heart function, respiration, and awareness. Without the right treatment, this ailment could result in impending death.

Unresponsiveness and unconsciousness are the basic signs of cardiac arrest. The patient, who is experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest, should also be resuscitated with an AED, a tiny defibrillator, in addition to CPR.

The emergency life-saving technique known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can, nevertheless, be used to revive a person.

How should CPR be performed properly?

“We start massaging their chest as soon as they pass out. But CPR is a comprehensive procedure; compression is only one part of it. Identification of the unconscious patient is the initial phase and continues until they are given to a medical professional or transferred to the hospital “Doctors give a step-by-step explanation of how to conduct effective CPR on a patient experiencing a cardiac arrest.

1. Placing A Helpline

Check to see if the patient is unconscious or if someone collapses due to a sudden cardiac arrest. For instance, if you notice someone falling in a mall or even another public area during this procedure, see if they are losing consciousness. If they are, make an effort to communicate with them, keep them attentive, and quickly get assistance. The national emergency number for an ambulance is 1122. As one person cannot possibly do everything, have two to three individuals nearby to call for assistance as the other tries to take the patient’s pulse.

2. Assessment

After then, you must approach the patient who has fallen and ascertain whether or not they are breathing. Measure their respiration and take their pulse in the neck area, which is closest to the heart. Even with low blood pressure, the pulse can still be felt in the neck area. The assessment is the name of this procedure. If there is no pulse and the person appears to be completely unconscious, the assessment shouldn’t take longer than 10 seconds.

3. Compression

Compression is the next action you must take if you can’t feel the pulse. To feel the pulse again during this procedure, the heart must be made to pump artificially. Squeezing prevents damage by allowing the blood in the Heart to flow into the body and the brain region. Our hearts beat about 80 and 90 times per minute normally, so 100 to 120 chest pulls or compressions per minute are advised.

4. Talk-To-Talk Resuscitation

The other person should assist with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation during compression. The patient will receive oxygen during this procedure.

To ensure that no air escapes during resuscitation, first grasp the patient’s nose and work to lift and extend the chin backward.

you need to seal off the patient’s mouth and allow them to breathe normally. You must breathe twice after 30 compressions have been given. “Each breath should last two seconds,” Doctors continued.

Give the patient your entire breath after taking a deep inhale and filling your chest with air while keeping your nostrils closed.

Therefore, approximately 400 to 500 ml of breath must be supplied.

5. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

Another person should look for an AED (Automated External Defibrillator), a device that checks the pulse, while compression and resuscitative are being performed.

The use of an AED to restore a person’s heartbeat and pulse after cardiac arrest allows for automated diagnosis. Small and easy-to-use to use AEDs must be available in a variety of public locations, including shopping centers, food establishments, and accommodation facilities.

“The moment you turn on AED, a manual will be available. You will be given instructions on how to monitor your pulse automatically. All locations are required to have it, “Doctors explained.

The AED must be attached to the patient’s body so that it can “inform you what the algorithm of the heartbeat is.”

It will determine whether the heart is beating normally or has stopped entirely. That will cause a shock to be given. Since the AED has a speaker, you just need to follow the instructions when it tells you to click a button to deliver a shock.

Awareness OF CPR

Even though CPR is a crucial step in bringing a person back from cardiac arrest, according to Doctors, there is very little knowledge of it. “You can save a lot of lives if you know how to perform correct CPR and how to utilize an AED. Because it relates to responding in such urgent situations, we need to teach individuals how to perform basic CPR and utilize AED equipment. Ensure that AEDs are placed in open, common areas where people can see them. Institutions of higher learning should regularly offer CPR classes, “he said

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