Here is the price for a single nut from Yamaha

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Here is the price for a single nut from Yamaha

Regardless of how simple or complex they are, automakers are infamous for charging ridiculous costs for OEM or “genuine” parts. The same is true for the makers of bicycles.

A new Facebook post by Horsepower Pakistan shows Yamaha’s irrational pricing methods. In the image, a man is seen clutching a single metal nut that is wrapped in a clear plastic bag.

The bag has a preposterous Rs. 160 price tag from Yamaha pasted on it. The image has drawn scorn and rage from internet users.

A single metal bolt like the one in the image typically costs little more than Rs. 50. Although Yamaha has priced the bolt ridiculously expensive, in keeping with its tradition and the industry as a whole.

Yamaha sold 841 bikes in April 2023, a 50.4% drop from the previous month’s sales. Although the cause of the sudden drop has not been formally identified, experts believe that in addition to production difficulties, the exorbitant costs are to blame.

The car industry’s imports and manufacturing may resume, according to market rumors, but because of going on economic and operational issues, sales are expected to remain poor shortly.

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